Monday, December 14, 2009

Dinner at Pacific Cafe

After two years since we last met, Robin and Sim Yee were so nice to invite me to dinner on my arrival on the first day.

They brought me to Pacific Cafe along Lonsdale Street in Melbourne City. It has a very famous main branch, Pacific House, in Richmond. I love their roast duck, it's even better than in Singapore!

Fish-Flavoured Eggplant Hotpot. My favourite eggplant dish in any Asian restaurant here. It's eggplant with minced pork in spicy sechuan sauce.

This is also my other favourite. Three Egg Spinach. It's spinach cooked with three different types of eggs, chicken egg, salted duck egg and century egg.

Mixed Roasts of char siew and roast duck. I'm not kidding, it's really much better that it is in Singapore. I think the ducks here have more nutrition or something. LOL.

It was great seeing my friends after so long! :)

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